House Rules And Disclaimers

  1. Smoking

(a) The apartment is a no-smoking facility. We request guests not to smoke in any part of the

apartment or other common areas. Guests may, however, smoke on the rooftop garden terrace

of the building, as long as the rooftop garden terrace is not in use by other guests at the time.

  1. Noise and Privacy

(a) Guests are requested to respect the privacy of other guests and users of the facility and to keep

noise levels to a reasonable minimum.

  1. Events and Parties

(a) No parties or social gatherings may be held in the apartment, on the rooftop garden terrace or on

any part of the Property.

  1. Energy Use and Conservation

(a) Due to the very high unit cost of electricity in Ghana, we respectfully encourage our guests to

conserve energy and to turn off air conditioner units, water heaters, lights pressing irons and other

electrical appliances when they are not in use.

(b) Guests are required to kindly switch off all lights, bathroom heaters, televisions, air conditioners

and other electrical appliances when going out of the apartment.

(c) Additionally, please do not leave taps or the shower running when not in use.

  1. Responsibility for Valuables

(a) Guests are responsible for the safety and safekeeping of their personal belongings and valuable

items of a monetary or non-monetary nature. We accept no responsibility or liability for such


  1. Parking

(a) We provide free parking for our guests (one guaranteed parking slot per apartment). Guests are,

however, responsible for their cars and contents parked within or outside our premises and we

accept no responsibility or liability for any cars parked in or outside our premises or for their


  1. Pets

(a) For the safety and convenience of our guests, we regret that we do not accept guests’ pets on the


  1. Rooftop Garden Terrace

(a) Our rooftop garden terrace is available for guests’ relaxation from 6a.m. to midnight each day.

(b) The hosting of parties, other social events or the cooking/preparation of food on the rooftop

garden terrace is prohibited.

(c) Please note that all of the house rules listed herein apply to the use of the rooftop garden terrace

as well.

  1. Children

(a) While guests are welcome to stay with their children, please note that guests are responsible for

the safety of their children and should keep their children under supervision at all times on the




(b) The rooftop garden terrace may not be safe or suitable for children. Accordingly, the rooftop

garden terrace may not be accessed by any child at any time without accompaniment and full

supervision by the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

  1. Safety

(a) Each apartment is equipped with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. On each stair landing,

on the wall beside the doors to the apartments numbered 1, 3 and 5, you will find a fire alarm,

which may be activated in the event of a fire outbreak.

(b) On each stair landing as well, you will find a fire extinguisher, which may be used to control the

fire in the event of a fire outbreak in any part of the apartment.

(c) In the event of a fire, which cannot be brought under control through the use of the fire

extinguisher provided, please exit your apartment quickly (ensuring that all occupants of your

apartment, particularly children, have exited as well) through the main door entrance on the

ground floor level.

(d) Activate the fire alarm on the stair landing (as described above), exit the building through the stairs

and gather at the assembly point beside the security post. For safety reasons, do not attempt to

take your belongings with you as this may delay your exit and endanger you.

  1. Security

(a) The apartment is located in a secure, gated compound and is manned by security guards 24 hours

a day. The security post and guard on duty may be contacted by guests at any time of the day or


(b) We also have CCTV cameras on the premises, specifically for the common areas (car park,

compound and stairwell) of the property.

(c) Please note that we reserve the right to enter a guest’s apartment in his or her absence either in

the event of an emergency or to address a problem in the apartment (including but not limited to

appliance malfunctions, leakage, electrical problem, air conditioning units left running in the

guest’s absence or a fire outbreak).

  1. WiFi and Intercom

(a) Guests are welcome to use our free high-speed WiFi service. To ensure that all guests have

reasonable access to this service, however, we kindly ask that you refrain from downloading or

streaming heavy content over long periods using the WiFi.

(b) WiFi log-in details and intercom access details (including access to the security post) are included

in the ‘Welcome Note’, which you will find in your apartment on arrival.

  1. Amenities

(a) The apartment is a self-service and self-catering facility and guests are expected to make their own

arrangements to purchase their required supplies during their stay.

(b) Basic supplies may be purchased from some corner shops within a walking distance of the

apartment. The apartment is also located within a short taxi ride from a number of key shops and

malls. Should you wish to purchase supplies, our staff will be happy to call a taxi for you.

Alternately, you may utilise the Uber (or other similar taxi app) service for this purpose.

(c) We do recognise, however, that upon arrival (particularly for late arrivals) you may be

handicapped in terms of basic supplies until you have been able to purchase some for your use.



Accordingly, we will endeavour to provide a few basic complimentary supplies free of charge to

tide you over, at least for your first night.

(d) A basic ‘How-To’ guide is provided in the apartment to help you familiarise yourself with how to

operate the various appliances, etc. in the apartment.

(e) We have also put together a little information pack listing places to shop and eat and things to do

and see within the neighbourhood and beyond, as well as essential services such as clinics,

pharmacies and the police station located within the general vicinity of the apartment.

(f) Please endeavour to keep the apartment clean during your stay and do ensure that your dishes

are done and the apartment left tidy on your departure.

(g) A basic medical/first aid kit is provided in the apartment. We, however, accept no liability for

guests’ use of any medication contained in the kit. If you are unsure about any medication, please

consult a medical professional first before taking, applying or using any such medication.

  1. Keys

(a) For security reasons, all guests must leave their apartment entrance door key with the security

officer on duty anytime they leave the premises. The key may be picked up from security upon

your return to the apartment.

(b) Please note that any lost keys will attract a lock replacement charge of US$ 200, which is payable

by the guest.

  1. Extra Guest Fees

(a) Even though the apartment can accommodate up to 4 guests, please note that extra guest fees

apply for any additional staying guests after the first 2 guests.

(b) Please indicate the total number of staying guests at the time of making your reservation, even if

the additional guests will not be staying for the entire duration of the stay of the 2 primary guests.

  1. Check-In and Check-Out Times

(a) Our check-in time starts from 3p.m. local time. We are happy, however, to accommodate early

check-ins upon request in advance, when it is possible.

(b) The latest check-out time on your date of departure is 11a.m.

(c) Late check-out: A late check-out can only be granted if there are no guests checking into the

apartment immediately after your stay. A request for a late check-out should be made at least 48

hours before the check-out date. Please note that our late check out fee is US$50.00


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68 Mahogany Crescent, Ayawaso, Accra
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